A chiropractors guide to the Universe, 3

O Institute
4 min readJul 1, 2021


Fundamental Edict:

“Everyone needs chiropractic care. Not everyone needs YOUR chiropractic care.”


Lesson 2: Trust in the power of WE


Getting Clarity

Foundational work is exciting because it has little investment other than your time and creative energy. I was able to work with my team of board members and start clarifying the elements of what the new model of wellness care was going to look like and how we would deliver it.

Most of the hard work of research and treatment protocols was already done and now it was time to shift gears into building mode.

I’m a visual guy so I like to see things in front of me in order to get a sense of what it may look like in reality; seeing equipment, floor plans, decor, etc.

But then reality eventually kicks in and you have to “pull the trigger,” “sh*t or get off the pot,” you get the idea. Go find a space and begin the process of putting it all out there.

I’m still scared.


Excited and Terrified at the same time. Excitified??

The first call is to the real estate broker.

If you’ve never looked for a business space, it is an arduous process. You make several appointments a day and drive all over looking at spaces that probably won’t work for you.

This space was a disaster.

There was trash everywhere, the carpet was disgusting and there was even an old toilet sitting in the middle of the space.

I looked at my broker as if he had lost his mind. “So…what’s the story with this place? Are we getting that desperate?”, I asked.

He laughed and said that he wanted me to look at the place because if it could work, the owners were highly motivated to make this space everything we wanted.

Hmmmm… I called a friend.


Lesson 2: Trust in the power of WE.

My buddy Frank is a design genius. But more importantly, he will give it to me straight.

If the space was hopeless, he would say so. No sugar coating. Just straight talk.

Refreshing, right?!

I called him and said, “I am in this disgusting space and I need to know if you can make this work for our vision.”

He was there in 20 minutes.

Where I saw awkward sized rooms and disjointed spaces, he saw windows. Lots and lots of windows.

The windows were actually contiguous around two units but they were there and we could use them to our advantage. He showed me that if we took all the walls down, we would have a bank of windows that provided a nice view outside.

It just might work.

He took measurements and told me he would put something together and show me something rough later that day. Amazing.

Intention- Manifest

Frank showed me:

  • an incredible open concept space that would let people sit and have tea.
  • rooms that provided atmosphere and privacy for treatment
  • “wall-screen” area for talks, videos, workshops
  • an amazing kitchen space for us to share food
  • the list went on and on

We were able to get a clear vision of what the space would look like based on our intention of the space and energy we wanted to create.


Lesson 3: You will manifest your clear intention

And just like that, things started to come true. The vision was becoming a reality.

The landlord supplied contractors, we did details and together we manifested the O Institute.

Our goal was to define each area based on its intended use.

We wanted to completely disrupt how people thought about a doctors office.

The entry was designed to be wide open; to create a space where people felt welcomed and comfortable hanging out rather than feeling like they had to “check-in” and rushed out. There was no front desk area with a receptionist but instead a large table with open seating so people joined us at the table.

Most people were confused about whether or not they were in the right place.

Mission accomplished!

The kitchen area was open and long so a bunch of us could work together at the counter to prep and cook food while chatting and connecting.

An open wall area and projector were used to give talks and workshops but also allow people to share ideas.

The treatment rooms were large with soft lighting. It allowed family members and/or friends to be a part of the experience if the patient so chose.

Each space took shape and represented an intention we set.


Intention, Manifested

After three months of daily work and an awesome construction crew, we were able to finally complete the space.

Now we were open for business.

We had a beautiful space.

We had a great team.

But the toughest part of my development was just about to start.

To be continued…




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