Putting it out there.

O Institute
3 min readJul 9, 2024


When you put yourself out there, you are allowing yourself to be judged. The people who matter, already support you.

Don’t listen to the hate.

Most people don’t understand so they judge and get angry.

Having an original idea is maybe impossible.

Having an idea, building on it, and implementing is rare.


Because we naturally don’t like change.

Our brains are geared towards comfort, familiarity, and safety. This minimizes our chance of death (at least according to our brains) so we strive for comfort.

But our creative heart rebels against it with all it’s might.

Our creative heart tells us to be bold.

It tells us we can change the world.

And when you are trying to decide “should I tell the world about this?” There is a battle that ensues internally.

The buddhists say that, “the longest journey a man can make is between his heart and his head.”

I believe this to be true.

Your survival brain will come up with all sorts of reasons, most of them extremely logical and others total nonsense, to rationalize why you should ABSOLUTELY NOT put it out there. All of them will make you feel like if you do, YOU WILL DIE!

And so we don’t.

Or we do, at a very small scale.

Saying yes to putting the program out there was maybe the hardest thing ever.


Because we understood that in order to do it, we had to go all in.

No more just doing it as a separate offering.

No more symptom based care.

Just the four month program…that’s it.

I consulted my “board of directors.”

They were my support team at the time. When faced with challenges, I talked to my board.

We did an exercise-

  1. Make a list of all the things that could go wrong if you went for it.
  2. Notice how many there are.
  3. Are they repeats that are different words saying the same things? (there always is).
  4. Go through each item and discuss the real risks or dangers.
  5. Go for it!

And that was it.

We went for it.

I wish I could say that it was perfect. That we went for it and everyone just got it and we were successful out of the gate. But that would be fantasy.

Reality was that we just kept saying no to potential patients.

No. No. No.

We just referred everyone out to other docs. (the other docs loved us, by the way, for sending them all the referrals. LOL)

And then around 6 months, when we were just about at the limit of faith and money, it happened.

Someone understood what we were doing and they signed up.

And the rest, as they say, is history.


It’s the other four letter word that starts with an F.

It is the word that actually has much more impact on us than the other one.

Fear is paralyzing.

It prevents us from changing, growing, evolving.

Fear keeps us small, limited, and actually unhappy.

Fear of something different, awkward, unpredictable is what makes ideation, building, and implementation so rare.

There is a saying- “people only change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the fear of change.” For many, that fear lasts forever.

How many times have you heard someone say, “I could have done that!”…but they didn’t.

Do you want that person to be you?

Prompt: What are you choosing to continue in your life that is comfortable at the expense of your dream?


scrolling needlessly on your phone.

procrastinating-all forms

having another drink rather than tell your friends no.

eating dessert again rather than exercise.

not having that talk.

#hierarchymedicine #five #wellbeing #holistichealth



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