You can learn by testing. NOT just research.

O Institute
4 min readJul 2, 2024


Ideate. Build. Implement.

the most valuable study is the case study (n=1)

The model is built.

The phases of care and support are created.

Now it’s time to implement and see how it works in real life.

Today, we are obsessed with “science” and “research,” and that’s great but it’s not always the most important thing.

I’ll tell you a secret. There has always been a little bit of friction between clinicians and researchers.


Because clinicians feel that research people are living in some utopian bubble where scientific studies determine reality. They study things in ideal scenarios, controlled environments, and cherry pick candidates that satisfy criteria for the research study.

“We are researching a dementia drug. Oh, you want to participate? Great! But you have high blood pressure? Sorry, you don’t qualify.”

We clinicians don’t get that luxury.

We get to see real people with real lives and real problems. We don’t get to say, “you don’t qualify for care because you have more than one issue and you can’t follow absolute strict instructions on how you live your life.” Would be nice!

So, clinicians care about what WORKS.

We care about what makes people healthier or improves their current state of health so they are not suffering.

If you say, “there is no current scientific study that shows it is a successful procedure or that they may not have an understanding of the mechanism.”

We don’t care. I guess I should say we do and we don’t.

Just because you cannot explain it, doesn’t mean it’s not effective. And that makes it “valid” and something worthy of future study.

Get it?

Imagine back in the day when we didn’t have any understanding of human anatomy because autopsies were illegal. We had to guess how things looked and worked in our bodies. Crazy, right?

Amazingly enough, those ancient clinicians were mostly correct.

Another example- today acupuncture is pretty widely accepted as an effective treatment modality. It has been in Asia for over 10,000 years. But did you know that there is no scientific tool that can measure the meridian system that acupuncturists use to evaluate and treat a patient? There have been double blind placebo studies (the “gold standard” of research- I totally disagree) done to prove the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments. And this is for a system that has no established research to prove meridians even exist!

Do you think the acupuncturists all over the world are going to stop care because the researchers say, “we can’t measure it, so it doesn’t exist?” Do you think patients will stop getting acupuncture treatments because of that?

No chance.

So we tested to see if what we built was actually effective.

Clinical research tells you what works in real life with real people.

We had a few people who were interested in the program so we put it through the paces.

We learned a ton.

We learned that there was something called biofilm that organisms make in our gut microbiome that protects them from antibiotics and death. And that biofilm needed to be dealt with in order to get maximum benefit from probiotics.

We learned that people responded to stress differently, not always just via the adrenal glands and cortisol. Some respond via the pituitary-prolactiin pathway and those people tended to have a greater tendency towards anxiety and depression.

We also learned that trying to get people to detox early in the program was a mistake. The failure rate was too high. Despite what the “experts” said about “weed and feed”- meaning to detox before you feed the body and support healthy digestion- It didn’t go well in our tests.

We also learned that IT WORKS!

The change in people’s overall health was dramatic.

Long term health issues resolved.

Diagnosed medical conditions no longer required daily drugs.

People were just able to do the things that made them happy that they were unable to do just 4 months before.

What was even more dramatic was that we were able to make lifestyle changes that stuck.

For some reason, committing to a program and having daily encounters and education made the changes gradual, simple, and apparently lasting.

Our patients learned how to eat and why to eat that way. They were able to integrate exercise into their lives without too much drama. And there were the mental changes; shifts in understanding health from a position of getting healthier rather than trying to cope with symptoms after the fact.

People just got it.

We made some adjustments.

That’s the methodology, right?

You try something. You learn. You change.

We researched more and found enzymes to break down biofilm.

We learned how to better support the HPA axis to focus on the pituitary.

We changed the order so we addressed digestion before detox. (So much more successful and well tolerated).

We implemented the new changes and had even greater success.

Word spread.

We grew.

Ideate. Build. Implement. Evolve.

#hierarchymedicine #four #wellbeing #holistichealth



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